Our Mission
The mission of the Greek Welfare Centre NSW (GWC Community Services) is to provide services and programmes that enable and empower individuals and groups from the Greek community, and the community at large, to participate in all aspects of Australia’s Culturally and Linguistically Diverse society.
This mission is underpinned by the values and principles espoused by the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia and, as such, recognises welfare and community service provision as a sacred task.
Our Vision
GWC’s vision for the future is to build a solid and sustainable organisation that provides high-quality services and programs to the community at large, and that will contribute to broader social policy initiatives that advance individual self-determination, and community well-being.
Our Values
- Implementing the principles of access and equity to services (e.g. income support, housing, education, employment, health and welfare services).
- Providing culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
- Enabling individuals as they age, to maintain their independence and to make informed decisions about their care options.
- Supporting children’s services to provide children with opportunities for fuller participation as well as helping parents and carers.
- Strengthening communities through capacity building, community education and community development processes.
- Advancing individual rights to dignity, respect, privacy, and confidentiality.
- Pursuing the principles of social justice for disadvantaged groups.
- Promoting staff commitment and motivation.
- Supporting professional development for staff through training and supervision.
- Pursuing the role of volunteers as a valuable component of GWC services and programmes.
- Applying flexibility and innovation in service delivery.
- Delivering high quality, ethical, responsive and accountable services.
- Maintaining a safe and productive workplace.