Information, referral and counselling are provided to individuals and families where language or cultural issues make it difficult to access mainstream services. An individual may refer themselves or someone else (e.g. priest, doctor, service provider, family member or friend) can refer on their behalf, provided they have been given consent.

The issues for which information, referral and counselling is sought are varied and often complex because they compounded by cultural factors, the migration experience and history of the person. Counselling is provided to individuals, couples and families when they have identified an issue which is impacting negatively on their life or something they which to change and require support to deal with it more effectively.

In addition to counselling, a client may be provided with support, information, advocacy or referral to a specialist service e.g. drug and alcohol, mental health etc.

Telephone support with psychosocial support is an integral adjunct to the face to face counselling service. Clients are assessed by bi-lingual/bi-cultural professional staff and thereby the cultural and linguistic barriers are minimised. Our counselling team is comprised of qualified social workers and psychologists who are experienced in working with Greek clients.

The Greek Welfare Centre deals with more than 13,000 telephone inquiries a year. These inquiries include individuals who require some direction or support but who want to remain anonymous as they may not be ready for any other intervention. Other inquiries may require information only or referral as well.

The issues for which information, referral, counselling and advocacy are sought may include:

– Access to social support services (housing, health, income support, employment, education)
– Anxiety
– Depression
– Grief and loss
– Family
– Relationships
– Communication
– Parenting
– Gambling
– Drug and alcohol
– Mental health and well-being
– Resettlement

The service is free and confidential. Please contact us on 9516 2188 to make a referral for this service or if you require more information.