GWC Community Services provides a variety of different Social Support and Centre Based Respite Groups for the frail aged, Greek speaking and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) background, as well as people with dementia. The program is coordinated by highly trained staff and includes transport to and from the day care centre. All participants can expect to be treated with dignity and respect. They will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities, enjoy meeting new people, and also have a meal in a relaxed and enjoyable setting.

We currently have groups for frail aged, and people living with dementia throughout Sydney (South-West, South-East, West and North) and Illawarra regions.

The Centre operates:

16 Social Support Groups for CALD Frail Aged
5 CALD Centre Based Respite

These programs provide respite for carers of frail aged and with people living with dementia.

If you would like further information please contact us at or our Head Office Newtown Ph.02 9516 2188 Fax. 02 9516 1689

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